
Life Coaching - My Objective Is Simple In Life Coaching

Help you to see yourself as limitless potential by pointing out the biological mechanism that tells you that you are limited, small, insignificant, not enough, bad, ineffective, ugly, too stupid etc.

Your mind is not your friend, it’s your biology and it’s not bad, it’s doing its job. By seeing it for what it really is, you become someone who can choose what inspires you, rather than someone possessed by irrational fears that stop you in your tracks.

Being unstoppable is about choosing actions that inspire you. Not because you need them to turn out positively...because you are interested in what the result might be. You are becoming a scientist...Interested in the mystery...not your opinion...interested in the process...your results are becoming interesting feedback...from which you can conclude what you might do next to bring forth...literally out of thin air...the results you desire...start to manifest!

Focus on what you want today, don’t bother thinking about what you don’t want. Take action on your intentions today and really be unstoppable. Giggle and laugh at how absurd The Drunk Monkey is...The Drunk Monkey thinks it is psychic and can tell the future!!!

Engage the mystery of life, be the scientist today, take actions and delight in the results...positive or are aren’t accountable for the result, you are discovering what the result might have no idea what is going to happen next, just take the next action and enjoy the result, positive or negative...give up that you are wrong or bad because the result you predicted or wanted didn’t are not a psychic, you can’t tell the future, relax and enjoy the are going to die, maybe today maybe years from now...all you have is now...take a deep breath and enjoy this moment with me!

Trust yourself today. Know that you are on the right path. Look at how far you have come in life so far, you are one of the most prosperous people in the world, don’t believe me monkey brain?!? Then move to South Africa for a while, and then talk to me about how successful you are....don’t let the drunk monkey beat you up grateful and read the all is well visualization today...I’ve included a link over to the left in my message...

If something amazing has happened out of your participation below, to report any victories, wins, or accomplishments you are proud of. Let me acknowledge you, let me be proud of you.

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.


Success is a Series of Well Managed Breakdowns, Failures, and Mistakes

Success is failing over and over until you produce the outcome you want or declare yourself satisfied and move on. Success is an exploration. You are making up a possible result out of thin air. You don’t know if it is really possible. You simply pull out your flashlight and shine it into the darkness called, “The Future” to see what’s there. So go for it today. Take an action you are sure you might fail at but wish to conquer!

Focus on what you want today, don’t bother thinking about what you don’t want. Take action on your intentions today and really be unstoppable. Giggle and laugh at how absurd The Drunk Monkey is...The Drunk Monkey thinks it is psychic and can tell the future!!! Engage the mystery of life, be the scientist today, take actions and delight in the results...positive or are doing an experiment called Being Unstoppable!

You aren’t accountable for the result, you are discovering what the result might have no idea what is going to happen next, just take the next action and enjoy the result positive or negative...Give up that you are wrong, or bad, or stupid, or ugly, or not enough...just because the result you predicted or wanted didn’t are not a psychic, you can’t tell the future, relax and enjoy the are going to die, maybe today, maybe years from now...all you have is now...take a deep breath and enjoy this moment with me!

Trust yourself today. Know that you are on the right path. Look at how far you have come in life so far, you are one of the most prosperous people in the world, don’t believe me monkey brain?!? Then move to South Africa for a while, and then talk to me about how successful you are....don’t let the drunk monkey beat you up grateful and read the all is well visualization today...I’ve included a link over to the left in my message..

If something amazing has happened out of your participation below, then click the link below to report any victories, wins, or accomplishments you are proud of. Let me acknowledge you, let me be proud of you.

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching is his main course.


Life Coaching - Be Flexible

Being right about yourself, about another person, about a situation, is an opinion. On this planet, 6.7 billion people have 6.7 billion points of view on what is right and what is wrong.

So who is right? Everyone and no one. A more powerful question is “Who cares?” No one cares about your point of view accept you, and the people you are aligned with.

MAJOR PROBLEM: All the big deals, all big projects, and the goals, and dreams that will change your life forever will occur with people outside of your circle. Those people have Drunk Monkeys just like you. They have an opinion on everything, just like you. The question becomes “Who is going to be conscious enough to give up their position to make things work?”

Consider this: You’ve already blown hundreds of opportunities to expand your dreams because of your need to be right. Right about your limitations, right about the situation, right about people….Right about how wrong people are. Right about how people should behave and not behave. Right about the process. Right about the procedure. Right about how it’s supposed to look. Right, right, right.

This week be flexible: Flexibility is your greatest asset in money making. You can either be right, or you can be in action…filled with joy…totally satisfied with who you are and where you are going! Take action on your intentions today. Give up being right about you, your limitations, the situation, the timing, and people.

Engage the mystery of life, you have no idea what is going to happen next, just take the next action and enjoy the result, positive or negative…both are just opinions. Trust that you are on the right path, if you are reading this, then by the very nature of your intention, it is true, you are on the right path…whether you are producing results or not.

Take action in-spite of the uncomfortable feelings you might have. Just make it an experiment, not important; just see if you can take the action without feeling anything.

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.

Teleseminars Event

Life Coach - Teleseminars
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Give Up Your Righteousness

There are six billion people on this planet. Every single person has a completely different perspective. You know that every single person has had billions of experiences. Experience shapes our opinions, judgments, ideals, preferences, and ultimately our view of life.

Every one of these experiences helps us make new decisions about the world, our desires, and the meaning of life itself. Taking this into account, you now realize that there are no two beings that have had the same experiences. No two people, in other words, live in the same world as you do. In fact, there are currently six billion worlds on the planet.

Give up that you know anything! You only know things from your perspective. Your perspective has nothing to do with anyone else. Your opinion of life is not valid or relevant to anyone else. There is no need to survive your interactions with other people. A person’s opinion about how things are isn’t a threat to you. When someone behaves in a way that is different than you, it’s not a threat to you. This week notice how everyone is doing the best they can in the situation. Given their background and circumstances, they are simply doing what appears to be the best possible move.

Who have you been afraid of? Who have you not been calling? Where have you been stuck? Where have you been stopped? What isn’t moving forward? Today, right now, do something about that! Who can you call? Who can you talk to? What action can you take? What have you been putting off? What conversation have you been putting off?

Give up your righteousness. Give up your judgments. Stop making things up about people. Quit projecting your negativity into the future. Don’t let The Drunk Monkey hold people accountable to agreements they didn’t even make. Stop holding people accountable to your beliefs, to your ideas, to your reality. What you think is your reality, what other people think is their reality.

Notice how people are doing the best they can today. Notice the people you are putting off calling, having a conversation with, or talking to are just doing the best they can. They have crazy lives just like you, they want the best for themselves, and the people in their lives just like you. They want to win, be right, and have opportunities; just like you do…They are a not scary, mean person…that’s just The Drunk Monkey projecting its vindictiveness on to them. That scariness is not them; it’s the weird nastiness inside of you, which you are projecting. Give it up. Be the scientist. Make the call and see what happens. Don’t get caught up in the result. See what the result might be. Once you get a result from your action, assess where you are, and decide on the next course of action. No stress. That’s all you have ever done your entire life.

Now, while you are at it, look for the synchronicities, the unexpected, unexplainable, good fortune that is happening all around you. And when you spot it, report it. Celebrate it. Get excited about the luck and good fortune you experience, even when it doesn’t fully manifest. You might only get the signal that what you want is coming. Perfect. Get excited about that.

Say this statement all day “My intentions are being delivered to me with perfect synchronicity.”

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.


Life Coach - Life is Lifting Along

Life comes at you full force. You are born an orphan. You are born into an alcoholic family. Your brother molests you. You are raised in the ghetto.

Your parents are emotionally unavailable. Your boss fires you out of the blue. A big deal falls apart. You get rejected. Your car gets stolen. So what…so what…so what!!! That’s just interesting feedback. Life is lifing along. Life is doing its thing…The Drunk Monkey’s opinion about it won’t change it.

It is only The Drunk Monkey’s option about life that is causing you to suffer and causing you to stop. There are no good results or bad results. Good or bad is just your opinion. Because you are Being Unstoppable, you are realizing that success is nothing more than a series of well managed breakdowns, failures, and mistakes! And what are breakdowns, failures, and mistakes in reality? Outcomes. Hmm…Very interesting…I didn’t think that was going to happen! I wonder what would happen if I did this next!

That’s Being Unstoppable! So go for it today!!!! Do something totally outrageous that will catapult your life forward. Approach it like a scientist…interested in what the results might be! And when the result happens, accept the situation as it is and move forward from there. Don’t let The Drunk Monkey suck you into the drama “See…You are a loser! You can’t do it! You are no good! You are stupid!” At some point consider working with our powerful coaching staff to resolve some of those underlying issues The Drunk Monkey is using to make you feel bad…

In the mean time, just accept the situation as it is and declare it perfect. Are you having any results that you feel are victories? Remember that I don’t judge your victories, I just honor them with you, and the really inspiring ones I post on my site.

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.


Life Coach - Align and Redirect

By releasing your need to be in control of the uncontrollable, you move into a state of flow. You start to experience grace, luck, and miracles.

Nothing biblical though it could seem like that….Miracles is just unexpected and unexplainable good fortune! As you align yourself with your environment, with the people in your life ,and with the situations you find yourself in…things instantly get better! Consider there is not resistance out there in the world! All the resistance you are experiencing is inside of you…it’s your perception! So just give it up. Align with your life, make it right, declare it perfect, and then redirect it in the direction you want to go.

Notice how you are beginning to roll with life, even now. Having come this far in the Being Unstoppable seminar means you are developing the muscle of acceptance. You are learning to accept the situation as it is and then move from there. Just practice saying “Perfect…Now what?”

Because you are practicing accepting situations, you naturally find yourself declaring situations perfect. Your car gets stolen, you say “Perfect, I must need a new car,” Your big deal falls apart before your eyes and you say, “Perfect, I’m making space for the biggest deal of my life.”

Practice Alignment Phrases for this week:
1. This must be the perfect place to be…
2. I wonder what I’m going to learn from this?
3. I’m so excited about this breakdown!

Align yourself with life, declare everything perfect, stay calm and notice how powerfully the next steps come! Question: How do you know if something is perfect or not? Declare it perfect and it is. You are the creator of your experience. Your language, your perspective, and your actions create reality. The Drunk Monkey hates declaring things perfect, because The Drunk Monkey prefers the suffering of being the victim. Give that up, accept the situation as it is and watch the magic happen!!!

Just be unstoppable today!

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.


Event - Teleseminar

Life Coaching - Give Up All Of Your Ideas About How It’s Supposed to Look

Dr. David Hawkins wrote in his book The Eye of the I, “The letting go of all pretensions to knowledge or of knowing about anything, is a great relief and is experienced as a tremendous benefit” All suffering is related to your opinion. Give up this crazy notion that you know how it’s all supposed to look. The Drunk Monkey uses it’s prophecy as a way of beating you up, when it doesn’t look the way it thought.

Letting go of the need to “Know” is so relaxing, so enjoyable. It’s just being real...being honest. You don’t know what is supposed to be happening. Being on Earth is unpredictable and chaotic. There are trillions of variables influencing your outcomes. Just chill, sit back, and enjoy them the same way you would enjoy a movie. Dr. David Hawkins also says “One had been, without knowing it, in bondage to the content,(of the mind) and therefore the release from mind is accompanied by a profound sense of peace and absolute security.”

With absolute security, being unstoppable is a snap! That’s what we are creating together. Focus on what you want today; don’t bother thinking about what you don’t want. Take action on your intentions today and really be unstoppable. Giggle and laugh at how absurd The Drunk Monkey is...The Drunk Monkey thinks it is psychic and can tell the future!!!

Engage the mystery of life “life coaching”, be the scientist today, take actions and delight in the results...positive or are doing an experiment called Being Unstoppable! You aren’t accountable for the result, you are discovering what the result might have no idea what is going to happen next, just take the next action, and enjoy the result, positive or negative...

Give up that you are wrong, or bad, or stupid, or ugly, or not enough...just because the result you predicted or wanted didn’t are not a psychic, you can’t tell the future, relax and enjoy the are going to die, maybe today, maybe years from now...all you have is now...take a deep breath and enjoy this moment with me!

Trust yourself today. Know that you are on the right path. Look at how far you have come in life so far, you are one of the most prosperous people in the world, don’t believe me monkey brain?!? Then move to South Africa for a while, and then talk to me about how successful you are....don’t let the drunk monkey beat you up grateful and read the all is well visualization today...I’ve included a link over to the left in my message...

If something amazing has happened out of your participation below, then click the link below to report any victories, wins, or accomplishments you are proud of. Let me acknowledge you; let me be proud of you.

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course.

Life Coaching - Mental Journey to Millions


Peace, joy and satisfaction - The Mental Journey to Millions

Interview with Janice Bequette in her third month of The Mental Journey to Millions Mastermind with Matthew Ferry and Thach Nguyen..This November 12th there will be "The Mental Journey to Millions" For more information and register just CLICK HERE


The Recall

Life Coaching - Let Be Inspired

From: lifecoaching, 33 minutes ago

To those who miss the last October 22, 2008 event there will another call event this "Will 09 Be The Best Year of Your Life?" this October 29, 2008.. This an opportunity a free webinar join now.. visit this site:

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Succeed When All Others are Failing and Attract Results Effortlessly

Click here to Register for The Complimentary Discover Your True Purpose Call

Life coaching and training for executives, entrepreneurs and top sales people is our core business. Our unique life coaching strategies create astounding, life-changing results. Would you like to rapidly accelerate past your competition, find the inner strengths to accomplish your most cherished dreams and leverage the unseen forces like the Law of Attraction and others to create the life of your dreams now! "Versus, Someday... in the future"

Three important questions for you to answer:

Are you looking for the very best in professional life coaching to learn how to leverage your strengths, and finally make those important changes that really matter to you?

Do you have far more potential then you are currently fulfilling?

Are you sick and tired of thinking that some day everything will be better?

Too often, striving for your goals comes with a high personal price tag. You sacrifice your time, energy, money, and in this sacrifice you fail to honor the deepest part of yourself that knows what is right for you.

When you work with a life coach, you will find tools to move beyond frustration in any aspect of your life. You discover how to stop making the same choices that keep you stuck or just want to have more happiness, peace of mind and passion – our life coaching, teleseminars and audio learning products will help you make changes quickly with far-reaching results. Perhaps you have studied the Law of Attraction and get that something more is needed to launch you to the next level.

Our clients are successful people who want to make positive changes in the direction of their goals and dreams without compromising any other aspect of their lives. If you are looking for more balance, fulfillment and satisfaction in your life … if you want to take your game up several notches and fulfill on your true potential, then our life coaching, executive coaching, teleseminars and audio products are perfect for you.

If you have ever felt like you have far more potential then you are currently expressing, then Matthew Ferry provocative, in your face approach will inspire and empower you take action on your most cherished dreams NOW. Life Coaching Free Breakthrough Coaching Call with a professionally trained coach.


Life Coaching - Will 09 Be The Best Year of Your Life?

Consider this: What you do in November and December will determine whether 2009 is the best year of your life or just another year. You get to choose.

Join me on October 22 and I will teach you to accelerate into 2009 with my
Massive Results Action Plan.

To RegisterClick The Link Below:

Matthew Ferry - Best Year of Your Life Video


Will 09 Be The Best Year of Your Life?

Life Coaching - Massive Results Action Plan

From: lifecoaching, 4 days ago

Life Coaching - Massive Results Action Plan by Matthew Ferry.. This October 22, 2008 be the best year of your life.

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Life Coaching - Why Top Producers Achieve Stellar Results with Life Coaching

When you meet those top producing brokers and realtors who seem to have it all – you know what I am talking about – those people who have a great life, great vacations, loving family relationships, sweet investments and luck on top of all that, you might look further and see that person in a life coaching program. Top producers who are committed to having a fulfilling experience in life may have gotten some of the wind beneath their wings in a life coach program.

Now, many of the top salespeople I have worked with don’t care about having a fulfilling experience. They care about winning. They care about awards. They care about the juice, the next sale, the win. But then what happens to their lives?

After coaching 8,273 salespeople, with many top producing realtors among them, I began to see the “the win at all costs” mentality. And I began to notice others who win and experience fulfillment in other areas of their lives as well. What a difference.

Top sales people who focus only on the wins, the next deal, the bigger deal, often find themselves out of touch with the very aspect of their lives that they told themselves they were winning for.

Top sales people often find they win the deals at the expense of their family. They are winning but are they really losing touch with their children or their family? Or have they forgotten about health? Or maybe they are winning but their emotional life is a wreck.

Now, a top producer can take comfort in the glory of the win. Except when winning costs the experiences of family, of joy, of travel, of spiritual growth – then it can be a bittersweet victory.

I would like to bring to you another entirely amazing side of humanity. Top salespeople who want it all can indeed begin to experience life that is completely and wholly successful – because these individuals stop and recognize that being a great producing broker and a terrible dad is a hollow victory. And it wouldn’t be much fun to be a great sales person in the hospital on the second triple bypass heart surgery.

What if instead a life coach could help you achieve victory across many different aspects of yourself? Nearly all great sales people who experience life to the very fullest take advantage of life coaching. Here is what I want to share with you today. When you get everything into balance, when you are working on every aspect of your life, it’s as if you have a magic wand that enables you to get things done that other people cannot possibly get done. You can accomplish a lot more in much shorter periods of time.

People who live in balance achieve at an extremely intensified rate. When other people put in one and receive one, those individuals who are firing on every level of their being – mental, physical, spiritual, financial, all of the areas of value in their lives – can actually put in one ounce of “effort” to receive 10 times the results. When you are operating on all cylinders, you will feel completely at ease and in control – as you embrace more success than you have ever experienced. This is why life coaching is taking off. Work on your entire life, and experience results across all of the disciplines. It’s worth the trip.

If you have ever felt like you have far more potential then you are currently expressing, then Matthew Ferry provocative, in your face approach will inspire and empower you take action on your most cherished dreams NOW. Life Coaching Free Breakthrough Coaching Call with a professionally trained coach.